Hello and welcome to the first ART OF LIFE Newsletter. My intention is to use this space to share my knowledge of living life according to the Tao. I teach Taoist Metaphysics [Energy Anatomy], and practise acupuncutre, Qi Gong Meridian Massage, Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong.

What I have found is that when you understand yourself from the perspective of your Energetic Anatomy, you go a long way to being in control of your own health and well-being.


Spring Special -
Liver, Depression, Spring & You

Free Giveaway -
A beautiful Spring treat for you and your computer...

Upcoming Dates -
Workshops, Classes & Clinics

Not only that, you also realise that you can regulate your emotions, your hormones ~ virtually every aspect of your bodily functions ~ because through this knowledge you learn that ENERGY controls the body. So working with it and knowing metaphysically what is happening means you are empowered to do much, if not all, of your own healing.

or Dao" - Chinese for a philosophy that emerged around 2,500 years ago that espoused a spiritual approach to life by living according to the laws of nature. According to this philosophy all things living are connected by an invisible web of living substance. This is known to them as Qi [Chi]. Other cultures know this by other names, viz: Ki, Prana. When you understand the nature of Qi and how it operates, and begin living by it's rules, you come home to yourself. You are living the Tao way.

"Metaphysics" - means 'other than physical' or non- physical. In this context it refers to Qi and how it expresses itself both in the body and in nature.

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Here in Australia, Spring is emerging. Flowers are beginning to bud and bloom; new shoots are appearing on Winter trees; birds are beginning their courting. How do all these things know to do this now? What is it that reminds them? Do they have an alarm clock that was set last year to remind them to do it all again? Are they genetically encoded? Well, maybe that's close. With our sciences we have searched for the meanings and have come up with several answers.

However, there is one thing that seems to be overlooked, and that is how human beings are affected by this Energy that awakens the rest of nature. What does it do to us? Do we bud and bloom? The sages of ancient China observed these things and passed on what they learned.

According to Taoist thought, the energy of Spring aligns with the Wood Element [one of the 5 Elemental Archetypes] which expresses through the Liver/Gall Bladder Energy Network within the body. So if your LiverEnergy is out of balance it is not unusual to experience problems with any of it's associated functions during the months of Spring.

So what are Liver Energy functions?
Liver stores and filters blood.

It is well understood that the liver relates to digestion and that diet has a strong impact on how well the liver can function, however, the liver also stores and filters the blood, making it susceptible to becoming clogged. So it is necessary to cleanse the liver occasionally and Spring is seen as an ideal time to do this. Just as you would do a Spring clean of your home, you can do a Spring clean of your Liver and thus your body.

Some ways you can do this are by increasing the amount of water you drink [try to get in 2 litres/day]; lemon juice in warm water before breakfast; barleygrass or wheatgrass drinks both cleanse and recharge your Liver and your cells; if you are not too weak, convalescing, pregnant or otherwise unwell, you may like to do a short fast or go on a Liver cleansing diet [check with a natural health practitioner or doctor if unsure]; eat lots of green leafy vegetables; drink green tea, or peppermint tea; add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water and drink before sleep, this really helps to cleanse your Liver and keep the Energy moving.

Limit your intake of alcohol, coffee, excessively spicy or fatty foods.

Hot baths with Epsom salts are also good cleansers. Do a dry skin brush first or use a Japanese skin scrub cloth after soaking in the tub for about 10 minutes. Increasing the blood flow to the skin and exfoliating are excellent cleansers and rejuvenators for the whole body!

Liver maintains free-flowing Qi

It is imperative that the LiverEnergy system be able to maintain an unrestrained condition for free-flowing Qi, and once you have cleansed your Liver physically you may need to also get the LiverEnergy mobilised. Exercise is excellent here ~ walking, swimming, jogging, Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong, Yoga are all helpful to this end.

However if you find that you are still feeling stuck, sluggish, moody, have headaches, tight shoulders, PMS or are just plain unmotivated to do anything, then I advise seeing a practitioner of Chinese medicine to get help with mobilising your LiverEnergy, as it readily seems to get stuck and thus cause the above problems.

LiverEnergy affects the head, neck, shoulders and all tendons in the body; it controls vision. So tension headaches, some migraines, stiff and tight joints, blurred vision and dizziness can all result from stuck or sluggish LiverEnergy.

Liver is the seat of emotions

Each of the different organs in our Energy Anatomy has an associated emotional expression, for balance and imbalance. However, the LiverEnergy is affected by ALL emotions! And negative ones can cause much damage to LiverEnergy function.

The emotions of an out of balance Liver are primarily anger or depression. There may also be frustration, irritation, moodiness. All these indicate that your LiverEnergy is in need of help. Even if you can identify an external reason to give you permission to be angry or depressed, in this system of Energy Anatomy allowing that emotion to run your life is paramount to creating sickness.

Any of the symptoms mentioned earlier can arise due to emotional stuckness or turmoil and lack of resolution of emotional feelings. Spring is the time of new birth and rebirth. It is a time to let go and move on, so if you have some old emotional trauma, it may be a good time to decide to free it, and yourself at the same time. Your Liver will love you for it!

This Newsletter is not the place to tell you how to deal with your emotions. Only to let you know that you don't have to keep reliving them. If they are negative & destructive or cause you to be destructive to yourself or others, then they will ultimately bring you sickness, because they cause the LiverEnergy to stagnate and fester internally. This is very unhealthy.

Therapy and counseling are both useful and important tools, and there are many others. I do and recommend taking Vipassana Meditation retreats. I find them to be most beneficial in this regard. They are also a good opportunity to do a cleanse.

Liver is the home of the Higher Self

In Taoist Spiritual Anatomy, LiverEnergy aligns with the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. In fact, it is said that the "Liver is the home of the Higher Self". This means that if you want to open to a greater sense of spiritual connectedness, or just simply want to have greater self-awareness, you will be greatly benefited by taking care of your liver and it's associated energetic network.

In other words, healthy, free-flowing Liver Energy allows the inflow of higher vibrational energies, allowing for access to intuitive and psychic realms.

Liver controls vision

Liver controls vision at all levels ~ physically through the eyes and non-physically, through clairvision, or the ability to see the finer levels of vibration. This is the result of LiverEnergy's connection to the Third Eye Chakra.

Again, when your LiverEnergy is healthy and free-flowing, your ability to see clairvointly is heightened.

Green is the colour of LiverEnergy

Green is the colour vibration that aligns with LiverEnergy. The green of Spring, of new shoots and leaves. The vibration of this colour balances, cleanses and regulates LiverEnergy.
All green foods are said to be good for the Liver. Using the green vibration by wearing green, drinking from green coloured containers looking at greenery or green coloured objects [hence the green background & text], are all ways that you can subtly assist your LiverEnergy regulate itself.

Also try visualising or imagining your liver being surrounded and permeated by green light or liquid. This is an ancient Taoist healing visualisation technique.

Take a walk in nature...

During Spring time [or anytime!] take a walk in nature. Just at the moment here in Eastern Australia the bushland is teeming with Spring's new life, in the form of flowers and new shoots. Taking a walk in a National Park is another wonderful way to recharge your LiverEnergy.

The energetic vibrations from the flowers can also help rebalance an ailing Energy system. Read up on Australian Bush Flower Essences to discover which flowers are best suited to your current needs, then go out and breathe in their energy! This is very healing.

The Wood Element is the archetype that incorporates LiverEnergy, therefore, anything to do with plants and trees has a strong affinity with your liver. So I encourage people to get into Tree Energy ~ it's good for your liver!



In celebration of the 1st Issue of this Newsletter, Sally & MusicMediaOnline.com are gifting an exclusive collection of original desktop art to you...
...the ART OF LIFE readership!!!

Chinese Symbols
The Elements
Art of Life
Indian 5 Elements

INSTRUCTIONS: Click the thumbnail to bring up the full image, then right-click on the image and select SET AS WALLPAPER... enjoy !!!

August to November

For the most part, clinic times during August and September are as per usual:

Monday and alternate Fridays ~ Lane Cove
Apothecary, Lane Cove, 02 9428 1511.
Central Coast:
Tuesdays ~ School of Integrated Body Therapy
Charmhaven, 02 4393 1200.
Thursdays & Saturdays ~ Beyond the Garden
Gates, Holgate [near Terrigal] 4365 3020.

During October Sally will be less available due to a couple of other commitments. For the first 2 weeks she will be doing her 10th Vipassana Meditation Retreat at Blackheath.
Then from 20-23rd she will be co-conducting new Lifestyle Programs being held at the Crown Plaza Day Spa in Terrigal.

And from 30 October - 5 November she will be at Namaskar Healing Centre near Bellingen to teach Fragrant Qi Gong classes.

Central Coast only at this stage

QI GONG - Chinese health exercises:
Saturday 9.30-10.30 at Beyond The Garden Gates, Wattle Tree Road, Holgate 4365 3020.
Tuesday 5.30-6.30 at The School of Integrated Body Therapy, 1 Callaghan Close, Charmhaven
during school terms - 4393 1200.
These classes are $10 each and suitable for any age or fitness level.

TAI CHI CHUAN [Supreme Tai Chi Chuan]
Tuesday 6.30-7.30 at SIBT Charmhaven. These classes are $88/10 week term and are on-going classes.


August 25th: FREE TALK "How Emotions Affect Health", 12-1pm at Beyond the Garden Gates, Holgate.

September 22nd: "Sacred Women's Business ~ Natural Hormone Regulation".
1-5pm, Cost is $68 which includes a meditation CD that is part of this course. Held at The School of Integrated Body Therapy, Charmhaven. [Also to be held at Holgate, call for dates.] Contact 02 4385 7044

November 2nd: "Fragrant Qi Gong" - learn the fastest growing, most popular form of Qi Gong currently in China. Choice of 2 classes:
10-12noon or 2-4pm, Cost $50 for one or $60 for both. Held at Namaskar Healing Centre, Glennifer-Valery Road, Bonville, 02 6653 4139.

November 17th: "Chinese Energy Anatomy ~ The Five Elements".
In this workshop your will learn how Chinese medicine understands the body and mind in terms of it's energetic nature. You will gain valuable information that will help you to take greater control of your own health and well-being.
Cost $80 [includes 2-CD Set of 5 Element Guided Imageries] Held at School of Integrated Body Therapy, Charmhaven.
Contact Sally: 02 4385 7044


To listen to any of Sally's CDs or read more about "Imagery & Alchemy" & "Sacred Geometry"...

click here to visit www.TaoWayofLife.com

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